Tuesday, May 12, 2009

RIP Young Moss Tongue public blog

long live the new private blog(s)


michaeldustdevil said...

invite tomoz mate!... Mxxx

Behind My Eye said...

can i get one please?l...i think ive messed up with sendin yi my email.cheers

michaeldustdevil said...

leave your email in a comment here:


aussound said...
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michaeldustdevil said...

got it...

michaeldustdevil said...

hey Panzan... not only did i NOT publish your friends' email, i deleted it before i copied it!!!... been a bit of a lost weekend here, i blame the Mike Watt show... so, leave it here:


it won't get published... hopefully copied...


Jeremiah said...

Hey, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm trying to find out how to get an invite to the youngmosstongue blog - I used to check it out from time to time and it turned me onto some awesome new stuff. If you're reading this, please hook me up! I'd really like to be able to read YMT again.

Jaime Casas said...

Hello there,

I'd like to join Young Moss Tongue blog, like Jeremiah. I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this but the only i know, so if is possible let me know how to get an invitation.



michaeldustdevil said...

does not exist... didn't ever...

c said...

how tragic. what a great site. i miss it. i can't tell you how much music i would never have discovered without YMT.